Transnational Access (TA)

Transnational Access (TA) consists of free-of-charge access provision to resources and services from research infrastructures, to selected users or user groups working in countries other than the one where the infrastructure is located. Two types of access can be provided: physical, when the users visit the installation in person; or remote, when the users are granted access through virtual means.

Between January 2024 and March 2026, through the Geo-INQUIRE project, transnational access to more than 30 state-of-the-art research infrastructures will be provided. Among them, there are laboratories, observatories, high-performance computing facilities, and other types of installations, supporting the development of excellent, high-level and ground-breaking science in several fields of geosciences. The Transnational Access offer supported by the project encompasses the following research domains:

  • CO2 Capture, Utilisation, Transport and Storage (CCUS)
    • Quantitative monitoring of CO2 storage
    • Gas migration, CO2 injection and gas-water-rock interactions
    • Seismometer arrays
  • High Performance Computing for the simulation of geophysical phenomena and probabilistic hazard analysis
    • Earthquake and wave simulations, seismic hazard data and products
    • Volcanological and geophysical applications
    • Tsunami simulations (earthquake and landslides)
    • Subaerial and subaquatic landslide dynamics
    • Probabilistic volcanic and tsunami hazard assessment and seismic hazard analysis
  • Test beds for
    • Geo-energy applications and earthquake physics
    • Volcano observatories, geophysical and oceanographic stations
    • Rift, near-fault and off-shore earthquake monitoring
    • Fibre optics technologies for applications in seismology, oceanography and anthropogenic noise

Four calls for proposals are foreseen during the project’s lifetime, a prospective schedule can be found in the figure below. New calls will be issued until the amount of access foreseen in the the project is exhausted. Access costs are covered by the project, which include the necessary training at the specific installation for external users, equipment and consumables and the necessary support personnel. Some installations may provide travel and subsistence support to the selected users. More information will be available during the call.

Status: 22 May 2024