
Already published deliverables can be found in the publication list as "Report".

DeliverableDeliverable NameTypeStatus
D1.1Finalised governance structure and establishment of the required boards and panelsReportSubmitted
D1.2Project exploitation and dissemination plan, communications strategy and websiteReportSubmitted
D1.3Data Management plan and project management softwareReportPublished
D1.4Risk Management PlanReportSubmitted
D1.5Report on the kick-off meetingReportSubmitted
D10.1D10.1 OEI – Requirement No. 1EthicsSubmitted
D8.1Plan for the management of TA callsOtherSubmitted
D2.1WP2 Status of research infrastructures at M6ReportSubmitted
D3.1WP3 Status of research infrastructures at M6ReportSubmitted
D4.1WP4 Status of research infrastructures at M6ReportSubmitted
D5.1WP5 Status of research infrastructures at M6ReportSubmitted
D1.6Report on the first general assemblyReport 
D2.2WP2 Research infrastructures coordination progress report with definition of KPIsReportSubmitted
D3.2WP3 Research infrastructures coordination progress report with definition of KPIsReportSubmitted
D4.2WP4 Research infrastructures coordination progress report with definition of KPIsReportSubmitted
D5.2WP5 Research infrastructures coordination progress report with definition of KPIsReportSubmitted
D6.1List of assets (DDSS) to be integrated into the relevant RIsReportSubmitted
D6.2Report on existing metadata schemes, mappings and converters required both to populate the catalogue and for integration with the relevant RIsReportSubmitted
D7.1Plan for harmonisation with external communitiesReportSubmitted
D8.2RIs coordination progress report access and KPI definitionReportSubmitted
D9.5Service guide listReport