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8th Geo-INQUIRE online Seminar: Geo-INQUIRE Transnational Access at BedrettoLab Testbed

The 8th Geo-INQUIRE online Seminar will focus on the BedrettoLab Testbed, a research infrastructure of the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), located at the Bedretto tunel in the Swiss Alpes. BedrettoLab is also a Geo-INQUIRE installation providing transnational access to external users. The seminar aims at introducing the facility, its capabilites, and possible research topics for applicants interested in the Geo-INQUIRE transnational access programme. Further information on Bedretto Underground Laboratory for Geosciences and Geoenergies

The seminar will be presented by Rebecca Hochreutener and Marian Hertrich (ETHZ, Switzerland).

Date:  Thursday, 10 October 2024, from 10:00 to 11:00 CEST.

Register here to receive the dial-in-data.


10:00 - The scientific talk will be held by Marian Hertrich "First results of hydraulic stimulation experiments in the BedrettoLab"

10:20 - The technical talk will be held by Rebecca Hochreutener "Overview of the BedrettoLab testbeds and the ongoing research activities."

10:40 - Question & Answer session / Discussion


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