EMSO Ligure-Nice - Access to DAS acquisition parameters and training


Not open in the 1st and 2nd call.


Hosting Institutions:

Geoazur, Université Côte d’Azur (Campus Azur CNRS, GEOAZUR, 250 rue Albert Einstein, CS 10269, 06905 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX)


The Ligurian testbed offers the possibility of underwater DAS acquisition between Monaco and Savona on a telecom fiber optic cable.  By being able to tailor the measurements (e.g. spatial and temporal sampling, range…), the experiments carried out will be able to address multiple scientific questions in geosciences, ocean dynamics, oceanography, marine biology and metrology.

Services offered:

This testbed provides access either physically or remotely, with a maximum number of 16 accesses, with the typical access durations being between 1 and 4 weeks. The DAS instrument - ASN's OPTODAS - is connected to the submarine cable in Monaco

Physical access: full control of the instrument is ensured by a remote connection from the laboratory with unlimited remote connection time.  Depending on the scale of the experiment, data can be accessed in near-real time from Géoazur. If the experiment generates very large datasets (>2TO per day), the data will be accessible in delayed time, or the use of a local storage system (on the Monaco site) may be considered. The physical access allows testing different setup and parametrization and exchanges with scientists as Géoazur expert on DAS.

Remote access will be realized to configure the experiment on the instrument (max 3h). Another connection can be made in the event of a failure or to check that everything is running smoothly.

Modality of access:

Physical access will be done from Géoazur. Remote access will be done via zoom for the configuration. In both case there will be a remote access to the data.


Support will include training on the use of the DAS system, preparation of the data, and access to the servers for data recovery.

Additional information:

TA call will be open before summer 2024.