Corinth Rift Laboratory - GNSS

Host Institution:

National Observatory of Athens (NOA), Greece and

Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France


Corinth Rift Laboratory is an EPOS Near Fault Observatory (NFO), developed under a French-Greek collaboration. It monitors the fastest opening rift in the Euro-Mediterranean region with several M>6 earthquakes per century. With more than 60 instruments (seismometers, GNSS, strainmeters, tide gauges, meteorological), it is possible to track and interpret the dynamics of the seismicity and the deformation related to fluid pressurization and circulation at depth. Thanks to frequent earthquake swarms, lasting days to months, it has been discovered that some faults exhibit dual behaviour, with transient creep and pore pressure diffusion. Most data and products from CRL are distributed through EPOS. In addition, new instrumentation is planned at CRL, with additional monitoring by fiber optic systems (DAS, BOTDR, innovative strainmeters and electrometers) and high frequency GNSS.

Services offered:

The experiments will provide infrastructure for hosting experimental GNSS instruments (e.g., low cost, high frequency, multi-constellation) collocated with the existing CRL network of geodetic-grade GNSS receivers, part of them being high-rate, with the objective to extend the applications of GNNS, consider lower cost measuring solutions,  and simultaneously  decrease the detection level. The TA measurements can be jointly used and validated by the existing CRL network. The experiments can have objectives in the field of geodesy, seismology as well as atmospheric (both tropospheric and ionospheric) and meteorological studies. Those experiments will provide a unique opportunity to investigate seismic/aseismic coupling, seismicity, and the associated role of fluids.

Those experiments will provide a unique opportunity to investigate seismic/aseismic coupling, and GNSS seismology. The full or down-sampled data collected during the experiments will be integrated into the seismological and geodetic VAs in WP2.

Modality of access:

The unit of the physical access to TA services is “1 week”, with typical physical access durations between 2 and 4 weeks, for one or two applicants. TA will be offered for in-person access to install instruments and to collect data. Some of the relevant (low and HF GNSS stations) can also be provided by the facility.


The support offered is accessibility to various GNSS station locations, field installation and de-installation, remote control through the internet, and real-time telemetry of the records.

Additional information:

The GNSS infrastructure is foreseen to be upgraded and densified during Q4/2024 and Q1-Q2/2025 according to the following map:

Contact person:

Panagiotis Elias (